Saturday, April 05, 2008

Shadi Ghadirian

Shadi Ghadirian ()
1974年イラン (Iran) の首都テヘラン (تهران、Tehran) 生まれの写真家。
Shadi Ghadirian の書いた text を読むと、イランにおける女性について Shirin Neshat とはまた違った見解を持っていることが分かる。

Qajar というシリーズから作品を四つチョイス。
statement からこのシリーズについて語っている部分を引用しておく。

When I did the Qajar series of photographs, I had just graduated and the duality and contradiction of life at that time provided the motive for me to display this contrast: a woman who one can not say to what time she belongs; a photograph from two eras; a woman who is dazed; a woman who is not connected to the objects in her possession. It was very natural that after marriage, vacuum cleaners and pots and pans find their way into my photographs; a woman with a different look, a woman who no matter in what part of the world she is living, still has these kinds of apprehensions.

Like Everyday :: Shadi Ghadirian
Iran-art-photography-shadi ghadirian
aeroplastics contemporary
Blessed are the Merciful - in exhibition - Kinz, Tillou and Feigen

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